That’s right. When we buy, we buy from people we know like and trust.
That’s why among other things we here at Amazing Ideas, Inc. keep bringing you phenomenal marketing insights in the form of article series on specific topics that we know can bring you results in your business if indeed you incorporate some of the ideas into your marketing efforts (or for that matter hire us to help you accomplish it).
We bring these insights so that we can add value to you and to your business and over the course of time (see also the article series on 3 Things Your Website Must Do). Then when you have gained one great tidbit after another of great value, you not only will have gotten to know us a bit, but hopefully also gotten to like us a bit.
In addition, since we just keep pouring out to you these great insights – many of which we have gained through long study and expensive experience of trial and errors or seminars – and since we have made them completely freely available to you, you may also begin to trust us a bit. Trust us that we are here to add real value and real insights to you and that we only wish to make use of things that we know actually work.
In other words, when it comes to hiring us to help you with marketing, by then you should feel fairly confident, that while we do charge for our services, we will recommend only elements, services and solutions that we know will bring you a high return on your marketing investment.
Yes, indeed we do want you to buy our services, products and solutions at some point and the articles series are designed to help your decision making easier and not least put you at ease with the fact that when you buy from us, you can be sure of receiving value and obtain results.
When we talk about Reputation Marketing we are talking basically about the same thing. When we are going to buy something – almost whatever that may be – we feel more comfortable when we buy a product or service that has come highly recommend or that is sold by someone that has been recommended to us.
Preferably, we would like whoever makes the recommendation to be someone that we know, trust and respect, but in lack of that we will gladly accept complete strangers’ recommendations. That’s why social proof is so important too. Social proof is when we e.g. can see that lots of other people have bought it (we see lots of others have “Liked” a page on Facebook or a website, or that we can see from a long string of comments that lots of others have positive remarks about the seller or the product or service. when we see the social proof we too feel more comfortable about potentially buying from the same seller or indeed opting for that particular product or service.
This is also why sites such as Yelp can prove important and why you wish to engage in Reputation Management. We are going to cover Reputation Management in all likelihood later in a separate series to come, but there are some overlap to what we are discussing here in respect to Reputation Marketing.
Sites such as Yelp allows for people to rate a vendor. Be it a restaurant, a plumber or whatever, people can rate their experience on the site and that can help others make the right choice or at least be informed about other people’s experiences good or bad.
With Reputation Management in this regard, you want to ensure that you monitor any ratings and review that may be posted wherever they are posted. If the reviews and ratings are high, then awesome and you have done a good job. If they are poor, you had better see how you can correct it. Correct it not just for the person in concern who had a bad experience, but also look into if you have a general problem of delivery, quality or whatever the negative concern was about, and then see how you can rectify this for future sales and customer experience.
Sometimes, with a bad review, you can rectify the issue with the specific reviewer and turn he or she into a happy customer and sometimes that may actually result in an updated review that would state something about you as a vendor pulling through to ensure all was good again and thus tell an important story about you actually caring about your customers’ experiences.
Regardless of positive or negative reviews and ratings you will want to monitor these and stay on top of them. As soon as you may notice a bad review, ensure you immediately try to rectify the problem and possibly make good again with the customer. When you see a positive review or rating, well, now you actually have some interesting options for some pretty remarkable marketing avenues. These avenues are what we will cover in greater detail in this series on Reputation Marketing.
In short, with Reputation Marketing, you are actually marketing your Reputation. Of course in this respect you are marketing the positive ratings and the positive reviews.
It goes without saying then, that you must have some positive ratings or positive reviews for you to engage in such Reputation Marketing. In your efforts to doing good business, you would like to have that regardless. But what’s cool about having it, is that you can now use them purposefully and in ways that will turn highly effective for turning more ponderers into happy buying customers – and that’s what we are interested in here.
The ideas of Reputation Marketing, which we will spell out in greater detail in upcoming posts, are highly effective.
You don’t want to miss out on these, so stay tuned for more on this topic – I promise you, you are going to get some AHA moments and will want to engage in such marketing for your business. Bookmark the Reputation Marketing series to stay tuned, or better yet, sign up in the box below to ensure you don’t miss out on anything.