Get Listed, Dominate, Move Up, Lead The Pack and Your Phone Rings Off The Hook

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Mikkel Pitzner

























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Your Customers Are Looking For You Online…

– Can They Find You?




There are over 1 BILLION local searches done every month (and growing 50% every year)

and 80% of buyers search online first, vs. using the yellow pages or other print methods.


If your business isn’t showing up all over the first page of Google,

you are leaving money on the table

– and your competitors are getting your customers.
















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83% of people first search online before making a local product or service purchase.

98% of searchers choose a business they find on the first page.










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How do you bring your Amazing Idea into life? How do you make it resonate with a targeted audience? How do you use your idea to create the results you yearn for for your business, yourself and your livelihood?

At Amazing Ideas, Inc. we help you bring your idea into life and help you obtain real results. We can help you in many ways, be it either via one of of informational products through which you can learn what to do and then go and implement this knowledge yourself to done-for-you-services such as designing and building your website, your brand and your online presence.

But we are more than an advertising agency. We offer business consulting that brings vast experience with it. Experience from a multitude of different companies, industries, countries and cultures. Experience that stems from small as well as large companies, from privately held companies to publicly traded companies. The insights and background sometimes help you identify the particular avenues that shall bring about your vastly improved results relatively quickly as the time when we consulted a World Champion Free Diver who took our advice and within 3 weeks tripled his business without working harder or longer hours. Other times result improvements will need a little more nurturing over time and more work as complexities expand. That’s why we have a multitude of different way in which we can be of service to you and to your business.

Sometimes it just takes the form of a consultancy for a shorter or longer period of time, other times the task is task-specific and at other times, the solution takes the form of long term commitment, possibly being a part of the board of directors. In some instances the solution actually even entails partnerships and co-owned projects. Solutions are often to be found on a client by client basis as each may face different challenges and may also have different objectives. The multitudes of situations is what makes it of particular value that the experience we bring is so vast and diverse.

We make no claims of one hit wonders, of instant quick fixes and get-rich-quick schemes. But we do make claims that what we teach, convey or do create real differences in your marketing, your presence and that we can help you create results for your business, your brand and your presence – online as well as off-line.












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Our Work.











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Our Approach

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam aliquam
massa quis mauris sollicitudin commodo venenatis ligula commodo. Sed blandit convallis
Pellentesque pharetra velit eu velit elementum et convallis erat vulputate. Sed in nulla.













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[sf_iconbox image=” character=’1′ type=’standard’ title=’Get Listed’ animation=’pop-up’ animation_delay=’0′] Get listed in the BIG 3 (Google Local, Yahoo Local, MSN/Bing Local)[/sf_iconbox]

[/spb_text_block] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/4″]











[sf_iconbox image=” character=’2′ type=’standard’ title=’Dominate’ animation=’pop-up’ animation_delay=’200′]Your site appears in local, natural, and paid searches results[/sf_iconbox]

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[sf_iconbox image=” character=’3′ type=’standard’ title=’Move Up’ animation=’pop-up’ animation_delay=’400′]Dominate the front page by making your site search engine-friendly[/sf_iconbox]

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[sf_iconbox image=” character=’4′ type=’standard’ title=’Lead The Pack’ animation=’pop-up’ animation_delay=’600′]Use a string of stellar tactics make search engines fall in love with your site[/sf_iconbox]

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Solutions & Services.

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[sf_iconbox image=’ss-mouse’ character=” type=’animated’ title=’Technology’ animation=’none’ animation_delay=’200′] Suspendisse bibendum cursus luctus. Donec consequat malesuada felis at faucibus. Nulla dapibus malesuada libero, ut iaculis elit mattis quis. Sed nec dui tortor, ut venenatis libero. [/sf_iconbox]


[sf_iconbox image=’ss-usergroup’ character=” type=’animated’ title=’Marketing’ animation=’none’ animation_delay=’200′] Suspendisse bibendum cursus luctus. Donec consequat malesuada felis at faucibus. Nulla dapibus malesuada libero, ut iaculis elit mattis quis. Sed nec dui tortor, ut venenatis libero. [/sf_iconbox]

[sf_iconbox image=’ss-video’ character=” type=’animated’ title=’Motion’ animation=’none’ animation_delay=’200′] Suspendisse bibendum cursus luctus. Donec consequat malesuada felis at faucibus. Nulla dapibus malesuada libero, ut iaculis elit mattis quis. Sed nec dui tortor, ut venenatis libero. [/sf_iconbox]


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[sf_iconbox image=’ss-chat’ character=” type=’animated’ title=’Social’ animation=’none’ animation_delay=’200′] Suspendisse bibendum cursus luctus. Donec consequat malesuada felis at faucibus. Nulla dapibus malesuada libero, ut iaculis elit mattis quis. Sed nec dui tortor, ut venenatis libero. [/sf_iconbox]


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Our Team.













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Get In Touch.

























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