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Congratulations, you have made it this far.
As promised have a few gifts for you. The first one is a video that will give you 3 Big Insights to what your website must do for your business. If your website does not fulfill these 3 things, then you are losing out and probably leaving money on the table. So check out the video.
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The next gift I have for you is a website critique of your website as it appears on a desktop or laptop and as it performs on a mobile device. Mobile devices are getting increasingly more utilized for web searches and therefore it is becoming increasingly important to do a good job with your presence for these devices.
Now, before you dive into the video, please allow me to stress a couple of thing:
First of all, I have no intent of bashing anyone’s website or anyone’s work. That’s not what this is about. Instead my aim is to bring you valuable insights to what you might wish to consider tweaking or amending in order for your website to perform better for your business, so you can grow more, have more business come to you and build an even better business. These videos are my gifts to you, so what you wish to do after watching them is entirely up to you. If you wish to do nothing, then that is your choice. If you have someone you love working with when it comes to your website, then please let them know which areas that you wish to have amended and improved upon and have them do the work for you. If, however, you are not really married to anyone for your web development, then I would be honored if we can assist you in these matters.
Regardless, I would love to hear from you, and hopefully learn that these insights gave you value. But also respect if you are too short on time to reach out to me.
Finally, I want you to know that the videos, although they are on youtube, are unlisted, meaning they won’t pop up in searches and other people won’t get to see them. Also this web page you are looking at here, is not being indexed and will also not appear in searches. In other words, these videos and this particular page is for your eyes only and only for you to receive some good valuable insights from. Should you wish for me to take down the videos and this page after you have watched it, then I will be happy to comply, just let me know.
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Now, please remember that I actually have one more gift for you, if indeed you have not yet picked it up. It’s a little report that shows you 7 things you can do, that can vastly improve the sales your online presence can give you and it’s available for you via the form below.
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New Special Report: 7 Secrets To Websites That Sell
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Again, I would love to learn that you found these videos valuable and helpful. Of course even better would be to gain your trust and be invited to help you out with your further marketing needs. We have extensive back ground of not only marketing, but also in how to establish, build and run a business, so we have a special forte of combining these areas of expertise so that you can get the maximum out of your marketing efforts. We are available to discuss further or answer any questions you might have. Just shoot us an email at info@amazingideasinc.com or call us on 888-988-2489
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