Yesterday I mentioned that you just needed two more things for really getting started with your website and yesterday we looked at one of these being the question of where to host your website and I gave you a few possible suggestions of hosting services that I’m currently using myself and have been fairly pleased with. You can read yesterday’s post here: Where Do I Host My Website?

We are in the midst of the article series on the topic of How You Create The Perfect Website.

So following up on yesterday’s post, here is the last thing that you will need in order to really get going with your website: Choosing Your Theme.

Previously we discussed the platform to be used and I stated my personal preference and suggestion for opting for WordPress. One of the powers of WordPress is the abundance of themes (i.e. looks) available for you to choose from and the relative easy with which you can change the theme of your website and with (almost) one fell swoop change the entire look and feel of your website completely.

Here are a couple of resources that I have personally used in my work at Amazing Ideas, Inc. and that I would recommend that you have a look at for yourself:





Disclaimer: At the current time of writing this I have no affiliation with any of these and am in no way compensated for recommending them. These are some of the resources that I use myself and have been fairly pleased with.


A great way of sometimes finding the theme that you want is when you come across someone else’s website that you really like. If that website happens to be on a WordPress platform, then you can actually easily find out what the theme is called and where you can acquire it. To find out what WordPress theme someone is using, you can use this website: WhatWPThemeIsThat

Should the website that you like happen to be a non-WordPress platform site, then of course the above website service won’t help you much. Should that be the case, I would just suggest to go to one of the above mentioned resources and see if one of the themes offered look somewhat like the one you like.

Since there’s so many to choose from and since more and more great looking themes are entering the market on a continuous basis, you’ll be sure to find something you like.


One of the things I like so much about the whole concept of themes is that when eventually, you feel there’s a need to update the look of your website, then you can do so usually fairly easily and fairly quickly. And the change can be dramatic, completely giving your site a brand new look and feel.

I do say “usually” for I have had a few experiences that gave me a few headaches and where I had to do quite a bit of adjustments from one theme to another in order for it to look right. But in most cases you won’t be having too many difficulties when you change out a theme.

Again, in the “old” days, pretty much all websites were custom built and coded from scratch pretty much. That also meant that to change the look and feel of a site would require quite probably considerable new coding and new work, basically building a new site from scratch. With platforms such as WordPress you are so much better off and can make changes quickly and make the changes beautifully too.


Your choice of looks and feel may at times be more or less dictated by what it is you are selling and what your profession is. We talked about that a little in the post called:

You may wish to revisit the considerations I provided you with there to ponder.



Upcoming Post: There are a ton of themes available out there for you. Many are Free and even more are available at a price. The upcoming post will have a quick look at whether you should save some money and go with a free theme or whether you should spend a little money to get a premium/paid theme.

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